Scribbler Works

Musings on life, Christianity, writing and art, entertainment and general brain clutter.

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Location: Hollywood, California, United States

Writer and artist, and amateur literary scholar ("amateur" in the literal sense, for the love of it). I work in Show Biz.

Monday, December 28, 2009


I've been dealing with a psychological depression during the fall quarter. Being depressed affected my creative impulses. This at a time when I've been trying to push forward with various works. So, on top of the depression, I would add frustration at lack of progress on any of my projects.

Back in the summer, a friend had recommended Waking the Dead, by John Eldredge. I had gotten a copy of the book, but not started reading it, not until November. And it has been helping me break up the log-jam.

Eldredge's starting point is a quote from Saint Irenaeus, "The glory of God is man fully alive." And being "fully alive" includes giving full freedom to our creative impulses.

This is one of the points J.R.R. Tolkien makes in the poem he wrote to C.S. Lewis, following their late night discussion of myth and Christianity when Lewis was on the verge of becoming Christian. Tolkien pointed out that we are made in the image of a Maker -- we are, therefore, by nature creative.

As these things began bubbling around in my mind and heart, one very late evening I sat down at the computer and began work on one of my projects. I had paused in typing as I played in my head how I wanted the next scene to progress. I was chuckling at the way the characters were interacting. And suddenly I stopped outside the process, and thought " I LOVE doing this!"

As simple as that, I was reminded of what gives joy to my heart. I was suddenly past all my procrastination and frustration and back in the midst of one of the things that makes me "fully alive."

Of course, keeping hold of that as I continue to combat the depression and frustration is not easy. Inertia can be powerful. But surely joy and touching the Glory of God is more powerful. The trick is to keep my eyes on that bright spot up ahead and not down on my plodding feet.